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About Knee Replacement

Knee replacement is a surgical procedure. You are given a general anaesthetic and the surgeon replaces the damaged parts of the knee joint with artificial materials. Knee replacement surgery is most commonly offered to people with arthritis, where the cartilage has completely worn away and the sensation of grinding bone-on-bone causes extreme and debilitating pain. Some patients may have tried a range of non-operative treatments prior to having surgery. Knee replacement surgery takes about 90 minutes. Patients are usually up on their feet and walking (assisted) within a day and patients are generally out of hospital after 5 days. There is then a period of rehabilitation which can be done in a rehabilitation hospital, through the Mater Day Therapy program or at home. By six weeks after the surgery, patients are returning to normal daily activities (driving, working) and by three months, patients are usually able to begin playing a bit of golf and tennis.

Total Knee Replacement

More than 30,000 knee replacements are done in Australia each year. This surgery offers patients with particular conditions such as arthritis welcome relief from the pain which results from when cartilage has completely worn out. Total knee replacement is a very successful operation which involves removing part of the femur and tibia to allow new artificial joint components to be implanted. The artificial joint components are most commonly made from cobalt chrome and polyethylene.

Uni-compartmental Knee Replacement

The "uni knee" as it is often called, is appropriate for a select group of patients who have arthritis in only one part of the knee. In this case, only one part of the knee is replaced. This surgery generally involves a smaller incision than the total knee replacement and there is usually a slightly faster recovery. The artificial joint components are most commonly made from cobalt chrome and polyethylene.

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